browns social house

Commercial |Browns social house

2014 | lethbridge, alberta

Scott Morison started his popular restaurant chain in 2004 with a philosophy of upscale casual dining. Morison set out to create a business model where people who had invested their time working in and operating restaurants could benefit from the success of the brand. The result of the effort is a growing brand and many locally owned neighborhood restaurants. The environment for Lethbridge's west side location was created under the companies specifications and the design talent of ARFAi's creative team.

Exploring another Browns site in Saskatoon, the ARFAi design team was able to experience the franchise's operations. This set the precedent for the Lethbridge location. ARFAi worked with Wesbridge Construction Limited on this project designing the layout for the entire commercial site. The result is a distinct dining environment, beautifully appointed. Browns Social House promises to be a well-loved addition for Lethbridge's restaurant goers.


  1. Entry
  2. Patio
  3. Dining
  4. Bar
  5. Kitchen
Main Floor Plan