Centre Street Church Bearspaw Campus

Place of worship | Centre Street Church

2022 | Calgary, Alberta

As an extension to the Centre Street Church in Calgary, Alberta, the Bearspaw Campus was constructed on a hill with beautiful views to the Rocky Mountains.

The siting and the location of the church could not be more idyllic. Perched on the edge of the escarpment overlooking the beautiful Watermark community and the Bearspaw reservoir and the Rocky Mountain range beyond, the church is in a postcard-like setting.

In addition to creating such a beautiful and scenic escarpment edge setting, this location for the church also created tremendous amenity from within. On each of the three floors on the western edge of the facility the views are spectacular.

Even from the lowest floor, which accommodates the Christian education wing, the views to the west are unobstructed. At the main level it is the lobby which is at the western edge of the facility that benefits from these views as guests arrive and mingle before the service. On the upper level the views are captured in the chapel, creating one of the most beautiful chapel environments in the region.

The program is such that the main floor has the sanctuary with the lobby and the lower level contains the Christian education space. A large fellowship hall below the sanctuary can be broken into breakout spaces for the Christian education environment. The upper most floor houses the chapel for smaller venues, funerals, and weddings.

The facility holds 850 people on the main floor sanctuary and the sanctuary is versatile, accommodating a gymnasium space within the sanctuary. This flexibility will serve the growing church exceptionally well and in the future an additional wing can be added to provide a new sanctuary as the congregation continues to grow.


  1. Sanctuary
  2. Entry
  3. Foyer
  4. Coffee
  5. Chapel
  6. Staff Work Area
  7. Meeting Room
  8. Multi-Purpose Room
  9. Classroom
upper Floor Plan
Main Floor Plan
building section